Abram and Madeline are 7 months old! My oh my how time is flying faster than I can keep up! This has been an exciting month because they are now both able to sit unsupported! This has made playtime so much more fun, as they can now choose which toys they want to play with from the selection in front of them. Can you imagine suddenly experiencing life from a totally new vantage point?! They’re sure loving it! I will enjoy this short season of sitting before full-on crawling begins :) Also, they both have two bottom teeth now!
This has been a busy month, as Grant traveled a couple times for work. I am eternally grateful for my friends who are willing to come help me with their last feeding and bedtime routine when Grant is out of town; I don’t know how I would do it without them! My mom came to visit during his longer trip, and I was so thankful for her help and company. The days are so much easier and more enjoyable with someone helping me…not to mention how wonderful adult conversation is!
Now for some fun facts:
Madeline is becoming more and more of a busy body these days. She is *so* close to crawling…or perhaps if you’d saw her, you’d say she already is. She can definitely move herself to the other side of the rug if she wants; it just doesn’t exactly look like a crawl. She gets up on all fours and sways back and forth, but then scoots on her tummy slowly to move forward. It amazes me to see her move; she seems far to small to be able to pull herself forward like that!
Throughout the day, she is either solemn and sleepy, or very excitable. She doesn’t have much of an in-between these days! We still call her our little “nut” in the evening, as this is the time she gets hilarious and strangely energetic! Madeline is enjoying solid foods (I will never understand why baby food is called “solids”…it’s nothing near being solid!) as much as her brother now, and typically opens her tiny mouth with great enthusiasm.
Overall, she is a ball of sunshine! I can’t get enough of her grin, her funny expressions, her laughter, and all the sweet baby noises she makes! I am so thankful to be her mama!
Abram is still our funny, expressive boy! His voice seems to be getting much louder these days, and he sure loves practicing all his baby babbles! Now if only we could know what he’s trying to communicate! It’s been so fun watching him learn to sit on his own, and be able to play with more independence. A new thing he’s discovered this month is that he can hold one toy in each hand and hit them together to make all sorts of noise. Or he will hit his helmet with his toys to make even more noise, ha!
His helmet has done wonders with his head, and we are thankful we went that route. He has another appointment today, so I will give more of an update later. I am so very eager to be done with it!
Abe has become quite the giggler. He seems to giggle the most when he refuses to nap. It’s like God blessing me with Abe’s charm, so that I can’t get frustrated or impatient at him not napping :) The past few days he cracks up when I hold him so that he’s standing on my legs facing me and I push my head into his tummy. He gives me a deep-belly giggle! He has also become snuggly in the evenings; if he doesn’t nap well during the day he has such a hard time making it to bedtime, and often the only way to calm him down is if he lays on my tummy while I lay on the couch. I cherish these sweet moments. I am so thankful God chose me to be his mama!They both LOVE it when Grant puts on a concert for them with his guitar. These are some of my favorite moments to watch; I adore the three of them!I have really enjoyed taking them on jogs and walks with the double Bob stroller. I highly, highly recommend this stroller. It’s SO easy to use, and it turns on a dime…talk about complete opposite from my double snap-n-go stroller. I could hardly even turn that thing anymore!I can’t wait for the weather to warm up again, to play in the backyard regularly. They loved it!I love this picture of my mom holding them. Abe was so enthralled by her!