I decided to break up the twins’ monthly post this time around because I have so many photos to share! My dear friend Amanda came over to hang out with me and the babies and asked if it would be ok that she bring her camera along. Yes of course!! :) I loved every minute of hanging out with her, and she was so kind to take these photos, which I ADORE. I don’t get too many photos of me and the babies since I’m the one behind the camera, so I absolutely treasure these! Amanda took some pics of Madeline and I (Abe was napping!) way back in October, and it’s so crazy looking back at these – life has changed SO much since then!
I will post some fun facts about month 11 next week. For now, enjoy some photos! Amanda – you ROCK! Thank you for sharing your talent and giving us these precious photos!
I’m sure you’ll wonder what happened to Abe’s face…he fell and his face got scratched up, poor guy! He’s still working on the whole balance thing :)One thing I don’t get enough of is quality time with each child individually. So, I love these next photos!
This is Madeline’s cue for “I’m so tired, mama”…
Oh, Abe. Your cheeks are something else. I wonder if they’ll ever stop growing?! Hehe ;)
This moment below? Abe started crying and then Madeline started in…likely a sympathy cry, which happens a lot around here. It’s a tricky thing when they both raise their arms to me, needing to be soothed at the same time!
And then I just had to crack up, knowing this was all being caught on camera!
Thank you again, Amanda!!