The biggest to-do item on my list today is to organize & label the many external hard drives I have accumulated and filled over the years. I thought it would be a tedius, mundane job…but it’s actually been a blast! Why!? Because it’s taken me on a fun little ride through my past as a wedding photographer! I’ve sorted through my very first pricing guides (, first marketing pieces, photos to put up on my blog and of course – my first ever weddings.
When I look back at those two weddings in the summer of 2009, my heart overflows with joy. The photos conjure up such sweet memories for me becuase I vividly remember the overwhelming feeling of victory after I shot these weddings. I thought I was SUCH a good photographer…and at that point, I had no idea how much I still had to learn! I love the journey that this career has brought me through thus far, and I will forever be grateful for Nathan & Jalene, and Jacobo & Stepha, for trusting me to document their weddings!!