As you have read in the photo below, I am stuck at a hotel in Denver. Snow is falling and the roads are really icy, so there’s nothing like a forced day of rest! As far as a pregnancy update, I’ve been doing really well! I am so very grateful for good health thus far, and pray that the next few months stay the same way! It’s been SO awesome and exciting to be able to feel the babies move; there is nothing that compares to that sensation.
Now that I am a little over halfway through (what?! where has time gone??!), we’ve been starting to put together plans for their nursery, purchasing some newborn clothes, and preparing our registry. Doing these things definitely makes the fact that we’re having two babies feel more real!
I scored the perfect dresser for the nursery at the West Bottoms last weekend – a HUGE thanks to my friend Julie’s encouragement!! I wouldn’t have purchased it if it hadn’t been for her agreement of how great and practical it is :)
My next appointment is coming up in a couple days, and I cannot wait to see our little babies on the ultrasound again! Part of me wishes we could invite all our friends and family to these appointments to share in the joy, as they are SO amazing!
Weight gain during pregnancy has been such strange thing…a topic I might write a post about if I have the courage. I’ve gained a large amount of weight for being only 18 weeks along, and it’s been such a strange mental dilemma…it’s both very welcomed and scary all at the same time. Maybe more on that topic later :)
Friends in Kansas City: Enjoy the beautiful, spring-like weather for me! I wish I was doing the same in Denver right now!