Our family got to be in front of the camera last week! I can count on one hand the number of photos the four of us are in together, so I am SO thrilled to have these photos! The babies both had a rough morning right before the photos were taken, which means they weren’t their normal smiley selves. We cracked up looking through the photos, because Madeline’s expression is the same in every single photo (well, except the one where she’s looking at her brother!).
Now to figure out how to display some of these images in our home…! :)
Photos by Allison Corrin Photography
{smallest Christmas tree we’ve ever had! This is our first year we don’t have a real tree…there’s just not space in the midst of all the baby gear!}
she cracks me up!
I had no idea my stairs would provide such wonderful backlighting :)
I adore this photo.
this is Grant’s favorite – I think it’s hilarious! There could be all sorts of captions for Abe’s expression… “really? really? you have to take a picture of me when I look this ridiculous?!”
favorite :) If only Madeline was showing off her sweet, dimpled smile!